Investment Style
Bet on quality at a reasonable price
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Investment Themes

This list of companies below is designed to capture excess returns from quality stocks set at a reasonable price.

This is the QARP investment style for Quality at a reasonable price. Companies of sufficient size and liquidity that meet qualitative criteria relating to their financial health, business model stability and return on capital are selected. Then, a valuation filter is applied in order to retain only those companies that are valued at a reasonable price.

Qualitative" companies have controlled debt, a high return on capital employed, relatively high net and operating profitability, and stable results over time. The valuation filter then ranks the companies according to their cost by comparing their capitalization and/or enterprise value to their revenues (EV/Sales), net income (P/E) and free cash flow (P/FCF) to retain only the least expensive.

Several geographical areas are proposed. The global list includes companies listed in the world's major financial centers. The other lists are regional: North America (United States, Canada), Europe, Asia (Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong), Emerging Markets, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and Italy.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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