Investment Themes
Adtech, digital advertising takes the lead
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Investment Themes

The term "adtech" (for advertising technologies) refers to companies in digital advertising. First used to designate publishers and adserving solutions around 2000, the term now covers a large number of players belonging to the digital advertising technological ecosystem. Above all, adtech refers to all the technologies used to automate or program the purchase and sale of online advertising space, and the data used to monitor the results with great precision.

The adtech environment is increasingly complex and changing. It is spreading to the traditional media, which are gradually becoming more digital. By analogy with the term adtech, we also speak of "martech" for marketing technologies, which are closely linked to the advertising world. Online advertising thanks to adtechs is destined to dominate the other advertising levers for two simple reasons. The first is that the consumption of online content and the use of the internet in our daily lives is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. Websites, streaming and mobile applications are taking market share from newspapers, magazines, television and movies. The second is that traditional advertising offers very little visibility into the relevance of the campaigns it produces. As John Wanamaker said, more than half of the money spent on advertising is wasted, but no one knows which half it is. Adtech solves this problem by precisely targeting consumers, personalizing the content displayed based on prior user behavior, and providing impactful feedback on key performance indicators. If you are convinced of the relevance of this change in the advertising world, you should know that there are multiple players. Faced with the advertising duopoly embodied by Google and Meta, the rest of the market is fairly fragmented among several specialized players. Demand-side platforms (DSPs) and supply-side platforms (SSPs) are platforms that allow publishers to automate and optimize the sale of their advertising space and advertisers to optimize and manage their automated bidding strategy. The "analytics" and "tracking" solutions enable the measurement and control of advertising delivery by trusted third parties. Trading desks are platforms that allow such commercial exchanges, while integrating collaboration possibilities with other players. Among them, we find "data management platforms" (DMP) whose sole purpose is to enrich the data owned by advertisers in order to improve targeting. This thematic list identifies high-potential players in the adtech sector: adexchanges, trading desks, supply-side platforms (SSPs), demand-side platforms (DSPs), data management platforms (DMPs), retargeters and ad verifiers.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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Sector allocation

Ratings chart - Surperformance

Ratings ESG Refinitiv

  1. Stock Market
  2. Investment Themes
  3. Adtech, digital advertising takes the lead
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