Investment Style
Stocks following a technical trend
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Investment Themes

The list of companies below is intended to help creating a portfolio invested in equities according to an Offensive investment strategy.

This list of companies aims to capture excess returns on stocks that follow a trend following strategy. Companies of sufficient size and liquidity that meet criteria relating to the upward trend of the share price over different time horizons as well as a relatively low volatility of the stock are selected. The AR indicator developed internally at Marketscreener allows us to analyze the evolution of the stock price by taking into account the bullish acceleration (noted A) attached to the degree of the slope as well as the regularity of this rise (noted R). This ratio thus reconciles a strong bullish slope of the stock and a low volatility to avoid drawdowns (large air gaps). And this, over different time horizons, in order to take maximum advantage of an upward trend in the short, medium and long term. We are thus interested in stocks with an exponential or straight trajectory of their price and whose historical stock fluctuations do not deviate too significantly from their general uptrend. Without going into too much detail, the latter is measured by the small difference between the stock price and the 20-day linear moving average. This trend trading strategy benefits from many advantages such as simplicity of analysis and decision making. It is based on a basic principle: buying high and selling higher. Trend-following stocks usually generate better performance when so-called technical trends (linked to the evolution of stock prices) are clearly visible. As long as the trend is bullish, stocks can be held in the portfolio. Several ways can be used to identify an end of a trend such as the stock falling below its moving average or breaking the trend line. This list of investment styles is updated daily by our algorithms. When a stock no longer follows a medium to long term uptrend, it is automatically removed from the list. Several geographical zones are proposed. The global list includes companies listed on the main financial markets of the world. The other lists are regional: $North America, Europe, Asia (Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong), Emerging Markets, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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