Investment Style
Bet on small caps
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Investment Themes

The selection of companies below aims at building a portfolio invested in equities according to an "Offensive" investment strategy.

The size of the company, in the stock market sense of the term, refers to the market capitalization of the listed company, i.e. its market value. It is obtained by multiplying the total number of shares comprising the share capital by their price.

The size of a company is an investment factor, along with growth, value, volatility, quality or momentum. In investment terms, a factor is a characteristic that helps explain the long-term risk and return of an asset. Small-caps have historically demonstrated higher returns than the market over the long term - especially large-caps - but also have higher volatility.

Size is considered a pro-cyclical factor, meaning that it has tended to benefit from periods of economic expansion. Small caps tend to outperform in bull markets and underperform in bear markets.

The investment style list below is designed to identify small-caps with a market capitalization of less than $1 billion that have the best fundamentals in their respective markets.

Several geographic regions are proposed. The global list includes companies listed in the world's major financial centers. The other lists are regional: North America (United States, Canada), Europe, Asia (Japan, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong), Emerging Markets, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and Italy.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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Sector allocation

Ratings chart - Surperformance

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