Investment Themes
Uranium, the low-carbon energy business
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Investment Themes

For several years now, the terms "sustainable development" or "green energy" have gained popularity. Many companies in the energy sector (in the broadest sense) are working to produce electricity or fuels in a sustainable way to preserve our natural resources.

Today, the protection of our formidable ecosystem is a major issue that must be taken seriously. "Greenwashing" is a term often used to denounce the actions of large polluting companies that seek to improve their image through green investments. In this list, we have gathered the main actors of the nuclear industry. Nuclear electricity is produced by a process of fission of uranium atomic nuclei. As with thermal power plants (e.g. coal), the heat released by this fission heats up various water circuits and allows the water to change into its gaseous state. The steam produced then turns an alternator and generates electricity. Not all of the uranium on our planet can be mined. Once again, only 10 countries share 90% of the uranium reserves that can be used in power plants. Australia, Kazakhstan and Russia occupy the podium. Note that nuclear energy is not a renewable energy, but it is neutral in terms of emissions. The uranium used is depleted but remains radioactive and dangerous for all forms of life. The management of this waste must be rigorous and research on exploitation technologies continues despite the progress made in weaponry. It is this dangerous character that hinders the involvement of certain countries in this field, Chernobyl and Fukushima are there to remind us. Today, nuclear power represents about 10% of the electricity produced in the world. The list is regularly updated and identifies companies whose activities may include exploration, ore extraction, trading, enrichment, fuel fabrication, plant construction, maintenance, operation and dismantling, as well as radioactive waste management.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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Sector allocation

Ratings chart - Surperformance

Ratings ESG Refinitiv

  1. Stock Market
  2. Investment Themes
  3. Uranium, the low-carbon energy business
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