Investment Themes
Wind, onshore and offshore
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Investment Themes

For several years now, the terms "sustainable development" or "green energy" have been gaining popularity. Many companies in the energy sector (in the broadest sense) are working to produce electricity or fuels in a sustainable way to preserve our natural resources.

Today, the protection of our formidable ecosystem is a major issue that must be taken seriously. "Greenwashing" is a term often used to denounce the actions of large polluting companies that seek to improve their image through green investments. In this list, we have gathered the main actors who exploit the force of the wind to produce electricity. Wind energy, coming from solar energy through the uneven heating of different areas of the globe, was also used long before hydrocarbons. Today it is thanks to wind turbines, their super-magnets and turbines, that we capture this energy. The stronger the wind, the more electricity the wind turbines produce, but the scientific community has repeatedly shown that regularity is also an extremely important factor. These wind turbines require large spaces, make noise and represent a certain auditory and visual pollution for some. Nevertheless, it is a source of carbon-free and renewable energy with a strong potential. Offshore construction has increased this potential tenfold. Today, it is estimated that production can reach 420,000 TWh per year worldwide, which is more than 18 times the global demand for electricity. At present, it represents 5% of the world's electricity produced, a nice progression from nothing, but the road is long. This list identifies companies whose primary business is installing or operating wind farms. The companies selected stand out based on their fundamentals and the potential for appreciation of their publicly traded stock. The list is regularly updated and only the most qualitative stocks are selected based on their growth, financial health, profitability, valuation (and many other fundamental criteria) from the hundreds of stocks listed worldwide.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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